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Attribute: Age Standardized Death Rate Due To Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Or Chronic Respiratory Disease In Adults Aged 30–70 Years (%)

All Street Sevva provides suite of ESG focused AI Metrics in both a user interface and by API. This allows Financial, ESG and Risk Analysts to get answers to their questions about a company, fund, sector or even competitors.

What is a Data Metric?

A data metric (also sometimes called data point, attribute, field or variable) are information about entities that is available in both ESG Metrics User interface and in the Sevva ESG Metrics API.

Metric card:
Metric name:Age Standardized Death Rate Due To Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Or Chronic Respiratory Disease In Adults Aged 30–70 Years (%)
Metric key:sdg3_ncds
Type:ESG Data
Type description:
Type update frequency:
Type accuracy:
Type coverage:
Type history:3 years of history
Example values:

Trial UI options: You can access this metric for free by signing in Sevva Platform
Trial API options: You can access this metric for free with the Sevva API


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