Television Francaise 1 SATelevision Francaise 1 SA - ESG Rating & Company Profile powered by AI

Industry Group:Broadcasting

The analysis of Television Francaise 1 SA is prepared by All Street Sevva using leading artificial intelligence. If you work at Television Francaise 1 SA and you would like to licence your Sustainability rating, please contact us. Other corporations in the rating industry group for Television Francaise 1 SA are displayed.

Television Francaise 1 SA in the Broadcasting industry gained a UN SDG ESG Transparency Score of 8.0; made up of an environmental score of 8.0, social score of 8.0 and governance score of 8.0.

SDG Transparency Score for Television Francaise 1 SA 
0 - 3
4 - 6


High Impact
7 - 10
Last Score Update: 2024-05-01
What drives the score for Television Francaise 1 SA 






Detailed ESG Breakdown
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Peer Group Comparison

RankCompanySDG Transparency Score Performance
1Television Francaise 1 SA
1Audacy Capital Corp
1Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd
177Wherevertv Broadcasting Corp
177iMBC Co Ltd
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Peer Companies Benchmark
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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Television Francaise 1 SA have an accelerator or VC vehicle to help deliver innovation?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose current and historical energy intensity?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA report the average age of the workforce?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA reference operational or capital allocation in relation to climate change?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose its ethnicity pay gap?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose cybersecurity risks?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA offer flexible work?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA have a long term incentive (LTI) executive compensation plan based on a measure of return on capital?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose the number of employees in R&D functions?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA conduct supply chain audits?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose incidents of non-compliance in relation to the health and safety impacts of products and services?

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Is there a statment that there is no plan to expand their cement production? (for example: 'We have no current plans to add additional cement making capacity')

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA conduct 360 degree staff reviews?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose the individual responsible for D&I?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose current and historical air emissions?

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Is there a statment that there is no plan to expand their coal usage? (for example: 'We have no current plans to add additional coal powered electricity generation')

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Is executive remuneration linked to climate performance?

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Does the Board describe its role in the oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose current and / or historical scope 2 emissions?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose water use targets?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA have careers partnerships with academic institutions?

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Did Television Francaise 1 SA have a product recall in the last two years?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose incidents of discrimination?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA allow for Work Councils/Collective Agreements to be formed?

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Has Television Francaise 1 SA issued a profit warning in the past 24 months?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose parental leave metrics?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose climate scenario or pathway analysis?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose current and / or historical scope 1 emissions?

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Are Operating Expesnses linked to emissions reduction?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose the pay ratio of women to men?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA support suppliers with sustainability related research and development?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose the number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or human rights impact assessments?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA reflect climate-related risks in its financial statements?

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Is there a statment that there is no plan to expand their carbon intensite energy assets? (for example: 'We have no current plans to carry out further drilling for oil,')

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Is Television Francaise 1 SA involved in embryonic stem cell research?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose GHG and Air Emissions intensity?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose its waste policy?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA report according to TCFD requirements?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose its policies for bribery, corruption, whistle-blower, conflict of interest?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose energy use targets?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA disclose its Renewable Energy targets?

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Are emissions metrics verified by STBi?

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Does Television Francaise 1 SA have a policy relating to cyber security?

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Potential Risks for Television Francaise 1 SA
These potential risks are based on the size, segment and geographies of the company.

Télévision Française 1 Société anonyme engages in the broadcasting, studios and entertainment, and digital businesses in France and internationally. The company offers DTT channels, including TMC, TFX, and TF1 Séries Films; Theme channels, such as TV Breizh, Ushuaïa TV, and Histoire TV; e-TF1; websites; and advertising services, as well as TF1, which covers sports, French drama, news, entertainment, sports, and movies. It also operates studios, including Newen Studios; TF1 Studio; and entertainment channel comprising TF1 Entertainment. In addition, the company operates Unify, a digital channel. Further, it offers digital market consulting, digital content management, theme channel. content/broadcasting internet and TV services, and TV news images agency services. Télévision Française 1 Société anonyme was incorporated in 1982 and is based in Boulogne, France.


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